Hypothyroidism and its Effects on the Mind and Body

Ever felt tired just because? Or maybe you've noticed your mind drifting off more than normal? Or your friends are more prone to confessing their deepest secrets to you because well, you have no memory? Are you moody and not just during your menstrual cycle? Maybe your blood flow is heavier than before and your … Continue reading Hypothyroidism and its Effects on the Mind and Body

Recipe: Spicy Herb Lamb with Saffron Rice

There's a special feeling you get whenever you've managed to concoct a meal with little to no direction. It isn't celebratory, it's a "man, I'd love to share this delicious dish with someone else besides my family" kind of feeling. This was how I felt after preparing this recipe and I hope you get the … Continue reading Recipe: Spicy Herb Lamb with Saffron Rice